miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2011

About me...

My name is Milton Espinoza. I have 17 years and I am studying 11th year of high school. Currently I am in the Polivalente Domingo Matte Mesias College, my favorite subjects are history and language, but I like to study mathematics and physics.

My favorite sport is soccer, but do not practice much, only the days that I can play with my friends, I liked the sport a long way to play a special player, his name is Ronaldo de Assis Moreira, better known as Ronaldinho.


The video speaks for itself; there is no need to explain. Another sport that I like basketball, you practice a lot of small but not now. I like playing PlayStation, and online games on the PC, but I do not like to send me while I'm playing my favorite games to play are sports, action and adventure.

Currently I have a pet, but unfortunately had two of them died. My pet is a dog and called Coqui, I really like animals, all kinds of animals, and if I could help all the stray dogs would.


One of my dreams is to fly, I love the air and enjoy the great wonders that nature has to offer, so get to know the great wonders of the world, visit the Roman Coliseum, the Christ Redeemer, the Great Wall of China, and a many places, however traverse national wonders such as Chiloe Island and Easter Island.

Between the summer heat and winter cold, cold but I like the heat, however go on vacation to the beach is pretty funny. I like hanging out with friends to parties and hang out with them.
A good vacation for me would be on the beach with my family or my friends, if not having fun on the beach would be next to a warm fire, those if that would be my best vacations.

8 comentarios:

  1. Milton!, Now I feel I learned more from you, your dream of traveling is really lovely, I hope you can accomplish ...

  2. Nice entry. My favorite soccer player is Ronaldinho too. Also, you chose beautiful places to travel abroad I'm agree with them.

  3. Nice entry men i leki you drem and i share it, and im like the football too but i dont practice them. congratulations.

  4. Pretty good entry. I know that you will be the best traveller =). (Carry me some Lasagna of Italia xD)

  5. Very well done!
    Keep on going with the good job :)

  6. hi I like your blog milton, this good =)

  7. hello! I love your blog! please post the mine! thanks bye: D

  8. that emotion you like to travel .. .. enjoy the air .. know .. all those things that make life .. I think more interesting .. :)
